Here are a few things you can expect if you join us on a Sunday morning.
Welcome! We're glad you're here.
We have one worship service that gathers every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. at 910 Broadway in Fort Wayne, IN. To view our live-streaming services, click here.
Our services can vary a bit from week-to-week. You can typically expect worship to God through
song and prayer, announcements about church events and activities, time spent examining our
hearts before God through silent confession, hearing a message preached from the Scriptures,
and communion. Occasionally we get to hear testimonies shared from a brother or sister about
the work God has done in his or her life, as well as witness water baptisms for those who've
decided to surrender their life to Christ. We love to spend time in fellowship
with one another before and after the service, too!
Anyone can attend! We are a diverse community of people who are bound together by our shared belief in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and our experience of His saving grace in our lives. We each have our own backgrounds, stories, and struggles - but we are together seeking to know God and be further transformed into the likeness of Jesus as we follow Him together. You are welcome to join us if you already have a relationship with Jesus or if you are simply curious to know more about Him and what it means to follow Him. We'd love to meet you where you're at on your journey.
We love children! We have a Children's Ministry available for any child, nursery through 5th grade,
to participate in during the Sunday morning worship service. Any child is also welcome to stay in
the Sanctuary to participate in the worship service as well.
We believe that all people should hear the gospel and all believers should have access to participate in the life of the church and God’s Kingdom fully. Out of that belief, we joyfully offer Deaf ministry. On Sunday mornings we provide professional ASL interpreters, but we go beyond just Sunday morning access, click HERE for more information.